Thursday, May 2, 2013

What Will The Scouts Be Doing at Camp?

Great question, and one I'm betting a lot of you are waiting to hear an answer for. Well the (tentative) master schedule is here! Each activity is age appropriate, and either geared toward a Scouting element or their NOVA award.

Day 1- Cub Scout Boot Camp Fitness, Archery
Day 2- Soccer, BB Guns
Day 3- Baseball, Archery
Day 5- Human foosball, BB Guns
*Thursday is a special day spent out at Heron Haven for conservation and bird project

*Photo courtesy of Paul's Supplies 

Day 1-2: Map and compass
Day 3- Geo cache
Day 4- Heron Haven
Day 5- Space scavenger hunt

Space shuttle
*Photo courtesy of Paul's Supplies

Rocket art (using q-tips and marshmallows)
Astronaut food
Alien monsters using caramel and marshmallows

Sample Schedule, Day 1 Monday
8:00-8:15am- Gather in dens, work on den assignments (yell, name)
8:15-8:30- Flag ceremony and opening announcements
8:30-9:00- Yoga and warm up (Thursday at Heron Haven)
AM Sports and Nature Schedule
9:10-10:00 Activity 1
10:10-11:00 Activity 2
11:10-12:00 Activity 3
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Professional speaker/Tiger Cub Stories
PM Science and Crafts
1:10-1:40 Station 1
1:50-2:20 Station 2
2:30-3:00 Station 3
3:10-3:40 Station 4
3:50-4:00 Gather for closing

Friday Afternoon Schedule
11:10-12:00 finish science requirements
12:00-12:30 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Closing campfire and awards

Each day will conclude with a fun activity for the whole camp to participate. Tentatively we are looking at:
Human Space Invaders
Water Relay Game
Rover Races
Mud Angels
Campfire and awards

Register today! Secure your spot on the great Galactic Trek and create memories that will last a lifetime.

*This schedule and list of events is still subject to change, but hopefully it's only to add more to the program and not take anything away.

*Photo courtesy of Paul's Supplies

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